| 1. | Research in asset assessment of exhaustion resources 耗竭性资源资产评估研究 |
| 2. | Operation of assets assessment of inland vessel 内河船舶资产评估的运作 |
| 3. | Study on market value based technological assets assessment 基于市场价值的技术资产评估研究 |
| 4. | Theory of assets assessment of forest reserves and practice assessment of management right of assets of forest reserves 小陇山林业实验局龙门林场森林资源资产评估方法初步研究 |
| 5. | Lawyers , registered accountants , and professionals of statutory asset assessment and verification institutions whose qualifications have been revoked for violation of law or discipline within the last five years (二)因违法行为或者违纪行为被撤销资格的律师、注册会计师或者法定资产评估机构、验证机构的专业人员,自被撤销资格之日起未逾五年。 |
| 6. | Lawyers , registered accountants , or professionals at assets assessment or verification institutions who have been disqualified due to practices in violation of the law or of discipline , and it has been less than five years since the day of their disqualification (二)因违法行为或者违纪行为被撤销资格的律师、注册会计师或者法定资产评估机构、验证机构的专业人员,自被撤销资格之日起未逾五年。 |
| 7. | Article 39 the specialized agency and personnel for drawing up such papers as the audit report , assets assessment report or legal advice for stock issuance shall not , within the underwriting period of the said stocks and within 6 months at the expiration of the time period , buy or sell the said stocks 第三十九条为股票发行出具审计报告、资产评估报告或者法律意见书等文件的专业机构和人员,在该股票承销期内和期满后六个月内,不得买卖该种股票。 |
| 8. | The fault of cpv is a kind of improper behavior that violate job obligation during carry on the operation activity of assets assessment and it can be divided into noncompliance with duty of care , noncompliance with confidentiality obligation and noncompliance with duty to disclosure 注册资产评估师的过失就是注册资产评估师在进行资产评估的执业活动时,违反职业义务的不当行为。根据职业义务的划分,注册资产评估师的过失也分为违反注意义务的过失、违反保密义务的过失和违反告知义务的过失。 |
| 9. | Organizing the financial audit for the large and medium enterprises , accountant check - up , capital inspection , instructing the asset assessment engineering cost inspection , and joined in the consultation service such as authentication of the co - investment enterprises and accountant consultation , distinguish the economic criminal case , etc 组织大中型企业财务审计、查帐、资本验证,指导资产评估、工程审核,参与合资企业项目论证及担任会计顾问,鉴别经济案件等咨询服务。 |
| 10. | Management decision is the main problem of the enterprise administration , while financial decision is the most important part of management . the object of finance decision is gathering and using funds to maximize company ? s value with the best of capital construction , minimum of financial risk and maximum earnings . asset assessment in business enterprise bases on financial analysis , which assesses to the total value of company ? s assess 本文主要运用比较分析法、趋势分析法、比率分析法和杜邦分析法等基本财务分析方法以及资本资产定价模型和现金流量折现的方法,详细分析了康佳集团的财务状况,并对其整体进行价值评估和确定,透视其存在的主要问题,如抵御市场风险能力较弱、效益大幅度波动。 |